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Waheed Adam

Waheed Adam

Executive Chairperson, ITOUCH MESSAGING

Waheed Adam, once a young activist and today better described as a serial entrepreneur began his career at the young age of 22 after being rejected for his skills due to his race and young age in apartheid South Africa. He lives by the motto “through tragedy comes opportunity” and did exactly that when in 1988 he started his first company. His ability to seek out opportunities even when none seem present, and his consistent positive attitude makes for an enviable success story. The Group comprised of activities in various sectors, however today its core focus is in the various disciplines of the mobile technology sector, both in SA and abroad. He currently serves as the Chairperson of iTouch with its base in Cape Town, South Africa, and Africa as its core markets. 

Waheed’s personal passion to making Africa a better place is highlighted by his commitment to working with global trade bodies and entrepreneurial organisations to elevate the African continent, and with NGO’s that focus on youth.