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Yves Castanou

Yves Castanou


Yves CASTANOU is a distinguished leader in the telecommunication sector in the Republic of Congo and across Africa. He is recognized for his exceptional technical expertise, enlightened strategic leadership, and unwavering commitment to the development of Congo and the African continent.

Graduated in Electrical Engineering from the Polytechnic School of Montreal, Yves CASTANOU began his career at Avaya/Lucent Technologies in Denver, USA, and later at E.PIPHANY in France. He then decided to turn to entrepreneurship with remarkable success. These experiences allowed him to develop a strong and transformative leadership approach and a deep understanding of digital solutions and technologies. In 2010, Yves CASTANOU was appointed CEO of the Agency for the Regulation of Postal and Electronic Communications (ARPCE) by presidential decree. During his ten-year mandate, he defended the interests of the State, operators, and consumers, while significantly improving the image and efficiency of the institution. His efforts led to the adoption of key regulatory policies to ensure the quality of services and promote the development of the digital sector in the Republic of Congo. Under his leadership, ARPCE won several international awards, including “Best Regulation and Governance in Central Africa” in 2014 and “Best Public Initiative of the Year 2016” at the Africa Telecom People Awards. In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Yves CASTANOU was elevated to the rank of Officer of the Congolese Order of Merit in 2013, at the inauguration of ARPCE’s new headquarters in Brazzaville.

In April 2020, Yves CASTANOU was appointed CEO of Congo Telecom. A few months after taking office, he launched an ambitious strategic plan called “TRANSFORM” which, in less than four years, has transformed Congo Telecom from a traditional public operator into a highly performing company meeting high standards of the private sector.

Aware of the crucial impact of high-speed Internet access on economic growth and social development, Yves CASTANOU has embarked on an ambitious program to deploy fiber optics in several regions of the country, fulfilling the commitment of H.E. Denis SASSOU N’GUESSO, President of the Republic of Congo, to provide world-class Internet services at affordable rates. This project enables citizens, both households and businesses, to benefit from high-speed Internet connectivity through the commercial brand: “SPEED”.

On a personal level, Yves CASTANOU has been married to his wonderful wife for nearly thirty years and is the father of two children. Dedicated to the progress and future of Congo and Africa, he actively invests in initiatives to promote shifting mindsets and improve access to education and information and communication technologies. Convinced that digital connectivity can transform lives, he devotes a significant part of his time and energy to this cause. Yves CASTANOU is also a man of faith, co-founder, and pastor of the mega-church “Impact Centre Chrétien” (ICC), which has over 150 local churches worldwide. He combines his professional responsibilities with a strong ecclesiastical and community commitment.

With his visionary leadership, technical expertise and commitment to excellence, Yves CASTANOU embodies the values of innovation and progress. Under his leadership, Congo Telecom is committed to overcoming barriers to high-speed Internet access by implementing a policy that prioritizes both affordable prices and extensive coverage. Congo Telecom is determined to strengthen its leading position in the telecommunications market in the Republic of Congo and play a crucial role in promoting digital development in the sub-region
