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Digital Infra Power Summit Agenda


  1. TowerXchange & Power Summit Registration
    60 mins
  1. TowerXchange & Power Summit Registration Opens
    60 mins
  1. KICC - Aberdares Hall, Lower Ground
    10 mins
  1. KICC - Aberdares Hall, Lower Ground
    60 mins

    Lack of clarity on national (renewable) energy generation and transmission investment plans, incomplete grid infrastructure maps, barriers to private generation and lengthy interconnection processes are just some of the key policy and regulatory challenges cited by African digital infra owners. As governments look to attract investment and close the digital divide, how can energy frameworks and markets be improved to support digital infrastructure rollout:

    • What are some African nations doing well and where are others falling short?
    • What lessons (and warning signs) from more developed markets can be applied to the continent?
    • How can digital infrastructure owners best advocate for change and position themselves as part of the solution to Africa’s electrification challenges?
    • What task forces and initiatives exist to tackle policy issues and how can the industry better collaborate?

  1. Networking Break
    35 mins
  1. KICC - Aberdares Hall, Lower Ground
    40 mins

    Better quantification of the future shape and scale of Africa’s ICT ecosystem will aid energy regulators, grid operators and IPPs better prepare for meeting data centre and telecom network energy demands. This panel of experts will help paint a picture of how the energy demand is forecast to grow in Africa, where the growth will be felt, and what factors underlie these assumptions

  1. KICC - Aberdares Hall, Lower Ground
    40 mins

    Grid connections, virtual PPAs, direct investment in large scale energy projects, opex and capex led on-site generation, minigrids and more, a host of different options are available to digital infra owners to meet their energy requirements.

    • What solutions are companies choosing for different scenarios and what is motivating their decisions?
    • How mature and diverse is the IPP and ESCO landscape serving the African ICT sector?
    • What key trends are being seen in contract structures between energy buyer and seller?
    • How do company, customer and investor requirements to go green impact decisions?
    • What sources of funding are available to invest in energy?
    • Will the trends evolve in the future?
  1. Networking Lunch
    100 mins
  1. KICC - Aberdares Hall, Lower Ground
    30 mins

    Currently 600 million Africans lack access to electricity, with distributed generation solutions required to address the challenge. Often located in remote areas lacking developed grid infrastructure, towers have the potential to serve as anchors supporting minigrid development, yet to date there has been limited deployment

  1. KICC - Aberdares Hall, Lower Ground
    40 mins

    All digital infrastructure owners are under pressure to go green from their customers, investors and own internal targets, but how feasible are different options and to what extent will the market move that way?

    • To what extent can diesel generators be phased out and what might hold this back?
    • What is the role for natural gas and low carbon fuels?
    • What are African markets views on nuclear and could SMRs present a real opportunity for data centres?
    • How are hydrogen supply chains shaping up, what does TCO look like, and what role do you foresee fuel cells playing?
    •  Is lithium ion the only way to go for storage, or do alternative chemistries hold real promise?
    • Where are the crunch points in local supply chains and how are these being addressed?
    • How do reliability, serviceability, TCO and sustainability compete in decision making processes?
  1. Networking Break
    40 mins
  1. KICC - Aberdares Hall, Lower Ground
    55 mins

    What tangible improvements are digital infra owners generating through the application of better monitoring, analytics, automation and AI/ML

    • Case studies and examples of tangible results delivered and the key areas that infra owners are focussing on next
    • How do digital infra owners envision AI playing a role and do they have the necessary data organisation and skill sets to adopt it?
  1. KICC - Aberdares Hall, Lower Ground
    15 mins